Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The North Luzon’s Paradise: a Travel Guide to Ifugao’s Treasured Haven

friends @ banaue
Best Group Ever

Visiting the Banaue Rice Terraces, one of Asia’s finest, has been one of my dream travel destinations. That’s why when one of my courses in UP Diliman offered this trip, I didn’t hesitate to take the opportunity.  Who could ever refuse this? I am no judger, but I’m definitely judging those people who decided not to go. Anyway, the trip was set for approximately 2 ½ days. We departed Friday night and left the place Sunday night.
                We rented a bus for the whole class and it’s a very long ride from Manila. The only bus terminal I know that will take you to Ifugao is the Ohayami Bus Terminal which is located at the back of Florida Bus Terminal along Sampaloc and Lacson Avenue. The fair costs P450 for a single journey, not that bad for an 8-hr bus ride. All buses depart Manila at 10pm, so I suggest you to take a heavy dinner and be at the terminal around 8-9pm. There’s really nothing to do during the trip but sleep. I recommend you to have a good set of song playlist that’ll entertain you during the journey. The good thing about the trip is that it has wifi! Woohoo! Though draining your gadgets’ battery life is not a good idea. In the place that we lived in Ifugao, there are limited charging stations and you may find yourself queuing with other people for 10 mins of charging. Since the trip will be at night and they’ll turn the lights off, sight-seeing and book reading is impossible.
                We arrived at Ifugao around 6 in the morning and we’re all tired and hungry from the ride. It’s chilling cold by the way, so better cover yourself up with a jacket. We went to Halfway Lodge Restaurant that gave us an overlooking view of Poblacion. Poblacion in Banaue was already one of the most developed places in the province yet you can still feel and see the heritage of the site. The food was generous in size and it was not expensive. After that, we went to the Main View Point just near the place. It’s a good place to get your photos taken because of the majestic view the rice terraces give. There’s a good souvenir store there but I suggest buying all your mementos at the end of your Ifugao trip.

Landscape of Banaue
A view of Poblacion

Food in the Philippines
Waiting for the food!
Food in the Asia
Well then, here's your food!

Rice Terraces of Southeast Asia
Main View Point. So major!

                After that break, we rented two jeepneys going to Batad. The fair is usually P80-P100 per person but if you’re not too tight in budget, I suggest you to rent the whole jeepney for you and your company. For the first time, I was able to ride on top of a jeepney. It’s one hell of an experience. It is the best place to see the sceneries. The ride took for an hour and made my butt hurt, but it was worth it! We went trekking to Batad proper for almost an hour. It took me only around 30 mins. It was tiring and my tip is, do it fast. We stayed at Ramon’s Native Homestay and Restaurant. Don’t expect something like 5-star hotel stay in Batad. Even though the place is not developed, the preservation of the place and culture of the people will give you the best feeling, the Banaue feeling. 

Best ride ever! More exciting the six flags!

Banaue Rice Terraces
How amazing it is to wake up in the morning with this kind of view?

                There’s a nearby falls that you can go to, it’s called the Tappiya Falls. It’s an hour of trekking and it’s really tiring so I suggest you to wear your trekking clothes and have a good stretch for your body engine. The trek was so tiring and the funny thing is I even asked myself why am I doing this and why am I here. But just right after we arrived, all the frustrations went away. The view was grand. These events in life are the kind of moments when you realize how beautiful the world is. Going back to the inn was still a pain, though. But that’s life! No pain, no gain.


                We tried the process of taking the grains (of Ifugao rice) out of it shells. In Filipino, we call it pagbabayo where you pound the grains to release it from its cover.

Cute Guys
Me playing with the grains! 

                Maybe the most memorable that we’ve done is when we planted on the Banaue Rice Terraces itself. It’s so fulfilling, it felt like you’ve accomplished something in your life. I really want to do it again. Every time you take a pause and look back at the view, it’ll give you a surreal feeling. I even feel like lying on the feet-deep mud I’m stepping on. It was perfect.

Travels in Asia
Magtanim ay di biro, Maghapong naka yuko

                Personally, leaving the place is quite hard for me. I still want to stay for a week or more! It was definitely one of the best travels of my life!

Photo Credits:
Anniqalou Cruz Tanaquin
Ram Murro
Two Awesome Classmates